Saturday, October 11, 2008

My Almost Final TorresTravels2 Entry

We did it! Safe and sound. 1,111 miles later, we're sleeping in our bed tonight. Crazy? Yes. But we were west of Phoenix at 6:30 and it just didn't feel right stopping at that time. Now granted, we did gain 2 hours during the day. But we weren't fatiqued and we were beginning to smell home. So we went for it - with a reassessment in Yuma. The winds were really strong crossing the desert and mountains. And that slowed us up a bit - safety first. But we still managed to drive into our garage at 11:45 Pacific time.

So now it's 12:20, and we're both showered and ready for bed. Please don't call too early.

I'll get in one more blog with some of our observations and highlights of the trip. Hope you all enjoyed following our travels.

1 comment:

Susan Charles said...

Glad you are home safely. We cannot thank you enough for all the help, encouragement and love you shared with us in Wisconsin. You made a big difference in getting things done around here. I still don't know if we have had the pod packed if you wouldn't have been there. And for those of you who haven't seen it, the shed is GREAT! Thanks for all your hard work.

Love and miss you.....Sue